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Make a meaningful New Year’s Resolution

By Susan Munn

What?? 2022 feels like a repeat of 2021. COVID is still with us; it doesn’t seem to be going away as quickly as we had hoped and prayed. It is unnerving and is throwing us for a loop. Reminds me of that image of a little “Hamster Gal or Guy” on the wheel that goes around and around. The hamster is either winding the clock or not going anywhere. I like to think that furry little guy is just taking life as it presents itself – putting one little foot in front of the other as best he can. The hamster is trying to be as “active” as one can be for his health and sanity. 

But hey, Jesus told us the answer. I actually have this quote on my phone to remind me because I can be that “Hamster Gal”. “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7.) 

This New Year, we encourage everyone to make a New Year’s Resolution that will last a lifetime. Set a spiritual goal that works in your schedule and time. Some steps in setting those goals will be posted here shortly. 

At the end of the year and with the start of a new one, what could be more important than growing closer to God?


When not writing, Susan’s interests vary widely. She has hiked on the Arctic tundra and walked Hollywood’s red carpets organizing security. She finds her “spiritual home” at Holy Rosary and in the beautiful nature of this world. She invites you to visit this country parish in the middle of the city and meet some great people! 



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